Hiring skills
Hiring the right people is one of the most critical activities that an organization needs to get right so why the oversimplification? Part of the problem is that it can be difficult for HR professionals to assess technical skills so using generic terms makes it easier for them to screen candidates at a very coarse level. The problem is mitigated if the next step in the process involves a thorough assessment of the candidates skills – not just checking off the 'technology X' box on the interview sheet!
- Languages & tools.Here’s where we’ve traditionally focused in IT interviews.What programming languages, tools and frameworks is the candidate familiar with?Look for breadth and depth.
- Design.What kind of design track record does the candidate have?How have they designed systems or components in the past?Do they have a solid approach to software design?Typically depends on experience, but is a good indicator of capabilities.
- Methods & practices.What software development practices has the candidate used in the past?Practices range from code authoring (e.g. code reviews, refactoring), to code collaboration (e.g. source code management, continuous integration) to organizational (e.g test driven development, iterative development).Look for ways the candidate has tried to improve their development process.
Use a simple range (developmental, experienced, expert) to rate the candidates ability in each identified skill. Of course, beyond skills there are other important factors such as attitude and aptitude, but these tend to be more subjective.
So next time you’re asked to hire a ‘technology X’ developer, think about how you assess their skill set.
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